Our body is composed not only of physical elements such as muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, organs, glands, etc.; it also has a subtle energy system through which life force energy flows. This subtle energy system is composed of energy ‘bodies’ which surround our physical body and assist us in processing our thoughts and emotions.
The energy bodies have energy centers called chakras, which work somewhat like valves that allow life force to circulate through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. We also have energy meridians and nadas. These are like rivers, or streams, which carry our life force energy throughout our physical body, to nourish us and assist in balancing our body’s systems and functions.
Our physical body is alive because of the ‘life force energy’ that is flowing though it. If our life force is low or blocked, we are more likely to become ill, but if it is high and free flowing, we more easily maintain health and a feeling of well-being. One thing that disrupts and weakens the flow of life force energy is stress. Stress is often caused by conflicting thoughts and feelings that get lodged in one’s subtle energy system. These include fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, etc. Medical research has determined that continual stress can block the body’s natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself.
The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75%-95% of all visits to doctors are the results of reaction to stress. The effects of unreleased stress range from minor aches to major health concerns, such as heart disease, digestive disorders, respiratory and skin problems.
Stress can also activate our fears and cause our life force energy to diminish. When this happens we weaken our ability to respond to fear appropriately and to transform it.
Reiki is a technique that aids the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation. Because of this, Reiki promotes healing and health.
The Reiki system is comprised of techniques for transmitting this subtle energy to yourself and others through the hands, eyes or chakras into the human subtle energy system. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked meridians, nadas and chakras, and clears the energy bodies, leaving one feeling relaxed and at peace.
All forms of healing whether traditional, complementary or alternative have an impact on the human subtle energy system. Each method also carries a unique vibrational frequency and consequently will create different effects. A beautiful characteristic of Reiki is that it has the ability to harmonize energies that may normally be incompatible and can create the best possible outcome. Therefore Reiki enhances anything we do.
Reiki is being embraced by many prestigous hospitals where it is offered as a part of standard care.
“Reiki is one of the leading safe Energy Medicine approaches.” – C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. Founder, American Holistic Medical Association
“…Reiki … may ultimately be the most important alternative treatment of all…” Dr. Mehment Oz
Many people are practicing techniques to improve their health such as meditation, exercise and improved diet. As this is done, a deeper awareness often develops concerning the flow of subtle energies in and around the body and the connection between these subtle energies and one’s health. This developing awareness validates the ancient idea that strong life force energy contributes to good health. Conversely a diminished supply of life force energy can contribute to illness. The existence of life force energy, and the necessity for it to flow freely in and around one’s body to maintain health, has been studied and acknowledged by health care practitioners and scientists.
Reiki is taught by many people who are known as Reiki Master Teachers. When choosing a teacher or a school, it is wise to ask them what type of training they have received and how much experience they have. Reiki is taught in a classroom, in self study courses, and via the internet. Although we feel there is value in all types of Reiki training, thorough classroom training, with an experienced professional teacher can provide personalized information as well as hands on experience with other students. Reiki is known primarily as a “hands on healing” method. The physical touch experiences obtained in the classroom are important to be able to fully “deliver” all the healing frequencies to the student.
Michael and Arthur Baird teach classes at Peace Place, the Reiki Center of Sedona, a profoundly beautiful and sacred place to learn about healing and people travel from all over the world to attend our classes. To learn more about us click here. We are Licensed Reiki Master teachers and we work through the International Center for Reiki Training.(ICRT) When you attend classes with any ICRT Licensed teacher your training is accredited by the Reiki Membership Association.
If you think that you may wish to become a professional Reiki practitioner, our organization is recognized for offering professional training and we maintain a database of students that a potential employer can check to verify your credentials.
Reiki is not part of any specific religious practice or tradition. Working with the Reiki energy can help enhance one’s religious practice, but it is not a religion within itself. Reiki is practiced by people within many religious traditions, and it is also practiced by people who have no religious belief system.
Everything in our world is energy. Everything is comprised of vibration/frequency. The higher the vibrational frequency, the more ethereal it is. The lower the vibrational frequency, the more dense or solid it is. There are many forms of healing energy and Reiki is one form which assists in healing. It facilitates healing by increasing the vibrational frequency of anything or anyone it is focused on. Reiki is just one of the healing rays, but Reiki is unique in that it is truly guided by the Creative Energy Source of all life. This energy is infinitely wise and knows precisely what we need to relax, release stress, and activate the healing power within. This energy is known by many names, Universe, Source, God, Great Mystery, Higher Power, Holy Spirit, Great Central Sun, Divine Love, etc. No name is necessary to experience the profound healing effects of Reiki.
There are no educational pre-requisites required to attend beginning Reiki classes. Anyone can learn Reiki who has an open heart and an open mind and a desire to help others. Actually even skeptics have learned to embrace Reiki as a result of direct experience. Although many health care practitioners, nurses, doctors and therapists use Reiki in their profession, most people who are trained in Reiki begin by using it for their families and friends. Reiki is truly “Limitless Love”. There is nothing that Divine Love cannot heal, and Reiki is a form of Divine Love that can be learned by anyone.
After attending professional quality Reiki training, and practicing with friends and family, some students decide that they would like to develop a professional Reiki practice. Some people work in chiropractors offices, or other medical situations, and some people develop their own business. Most successful Reiki practitioners have received quality training in a classroom setting, practiced with Reiki in their personal life, and developed a love for the work. As in any line of work, the more one follows their passion, the more they do their work honestly and with an intention to be of service, the more successful they are. Many people choose to offer volunteer services to their local hospice or other such organizations.
You will learn how to connect to a peaceful, healing energy with ease.
You learn how to apply the Reiki energy to help you relax, relieve stress and pain.
It will be easier to become calm at times you feel anxious, worrisome, or afraid.
Your intuition, awareness, and spiritual perceptive abilities may be enhanced.
You may become more aware and aligned with your life purpose
You will learn how to help yourself with physical, mental and emotional issues
You will learn how to keep your energy strong at all times. This is especially helpful if you feel others “drain” your energy, or if you empathically “pick up” issues from others.
You will learn how to help other people with all of the same points.